renewables report

Assessment of supply and demand

Renewables Subscription - Your Pathway to Informed LGC Market Analysis

Our three specialized offerings are designed to empower you with the insights you need for better-informed investment, trading, and policy decisions concerning the Large-Scale Renewable Energy Target.

Dig into the Large-Scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) market and gain a competitive edge for your business that drives success in the renewable energy sector.

renewables subscriptions


(Annual subscription $8,000 plus GST)

What’s included?

  • Quarterly Reports to provide comprehensive analysis of market activity and trends, assessments of the influences affecting prices, and projections of future market activity (supply and demand)

  • Monthly Snapshots to summarise market activity with the use of effectual graphs and charts, and provide news on policy and regulatory developments. These snapshots are provided in the months intervening the quarterly reports.

  • Project Development database–A database of renewable energy projects over 5MW in development (updated quarterly)

  • Annual Power Station Report, which identifies all renewable power stations in Australia and certificate creation by year and fuel type

  • Weekly Certificate Trades database - Delivered weekly, this database provides aggregated daily certificate trade data and is designed to inform trading strategies and positions. Includes prepared pivot tables and charts for client use (MS Excel), with the underlying (aggregated) data included. 

  • Opportunity to discuss report content with analysts

lgc / carbon credits price drivers assessment

(Annual subscription $4,000 plus GST)

Must be purchased in conjunction with Renewables Report subscription

What’s included?

  • Data on LGC forwards trading activity

  • Government policy and political developments that could affect the RET scheme including consideration of other emission reduction policies that might affect electricity prices and LGCs

  • The size and status of the current development pipeline of renewable energy projects and potential timeframe over which these project could come on line;

  • A review of indicators providing guidance of prices required to support financial viability of new projects such as data on offtake prices, published estimates of current and future technology costs, and LGC forward prices;


(Annual subscription $2,000 plus GST)

Must be purchased in conjunction with Renewables Report subscription

What’s included?

  • A detailed listing of each major power retailers’ current holdings of LGCs as well as other liable parties and major power project owners;

  • Changes in participants’ LGC holdings from quarter to quarter

  • An estimate of future LGCs power retailers are likely to receive from established power projects based on historical LGC transfer patterns and known contract and ownership arrangements; and

  • An estimate of retailers and other liable parties’ future LGC requirements based on current RET liable electricity market share.

Join us now to access the vital information that drives success in the renewable energy landscape.